深圳中宝箱包是中国较大的生产箱包的公司之一,是一家充满活力的经验非常丰富的传统公司。但是随着业务的扩大,客户的订单变化越来越频繁,订购量和价格变化也越来越复杂。销售部想要快速应对并计划要安装odoo的销售模块, 于是开始咨询odoo的银牌合作伙伴丹鸟。
Shenzhen Zhongbao Bags is one of the larger companies producing bags in China and is a dynamic and very experienced traditional company. But as the business expanded, customer orders changed more and more frequently, and the order quantity and price changes became more and more complex. The sales department wanted to respond quickly and planned to install odoo sales, so they started consulting odoo's silver partner, Majorbird.
How do I send a quotation to a customer using odoo sales?
The basic flow is: create a new quotation or create custom quotation template( add optional products to your quotations) → email or download a file to send to the customer → the customer can confirm the order by electronic signature and online payment. We can stimulate the customer to confirm the order by setting a deadline. Terms and conditions can be added. We can configure different addresses for delivery and invoicing for custom
We need to invoice customers in different situations, what are the invoicing methods of odoo sales?
1. 默认的规则是按订单开具发票,通过激活自动发票功能,当确认客户在线付款后,系统会自动生成发票。
2.可以按交付数量开具发票,但必须在创建发票之前在销售应用上手动输入销售订单上已交付的数量或安装 库存应用 来确认已交付的数量,然后才能开具发票。
1.The Invoice what is ordered rule is used as default mode in Odoo Sales. By activating the automatic invoice function, then when the online payment is confirmed, the system will automatically generate an invoice.
2.We can use the Invoice what is delivered rule. We will have to manually enter the delivered quantity on the sales order or to install the Inventory App to confirm the delivered quantity before creating an invoice, with the Sales App.
3.For expensive orders or projects, we can request a down payment. It can either be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total amount.
4.We could send a pro-forma invoice to customers.
It notes the kind and quantity of goods, their value, and other important
information such as weight and transportation charges.
5.For projects where the size of the project cannot be accurately estimated or where requirements are most likely to change, invoice can be issued based on time and materials.
6.Milestone invoicing can be used for expensive or large-scale projects, with each milestone representing a clear sequence of work that will incrementally build up to the completion of the contract.
7.If your employees have to spend their personal money while working on a project for your client, you could re-invoice expenses to customers.
8.For confirmed quotations, we could check the expected revenue can by sells subscriptions.
Our company has a large variety of products and we have customers both at home and abroad, can odoo sales be managed effectively?
Custom Search 可以自动获取产品图片。
For products, data can be imported using templates, and products of different colors and sizes can be managed using product variants. Product images can be automatically retrieved using Google Custom Search.
For customers in different countries, we are able to use foreign currency for settlement, set taxes, for example, manage B2B,B2C prices. For specific customers, we can adjust prices and use discounts.
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We currently have stores on Amazon and Ebay, can they connect with odoo sales?
We could use Amazon connector and eBay connector. We could manage Amazon orders in Odoo, and could list a product use eBay.
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Advanced topics.
对于特定的客户,拥有门户登陆权限就能够登陆Odoo的环境,继而在系统中查看一些文档或者信息。For certain customers, having portal login privileges allows them to log into Odoo's environment and view documents or information in the system.

After the consultation, the decision makers
involved discussed internally and unanimously decided to start putting together
a clear list of requirements to implement the first round of the project.
With the above understanding, Sales module
satisfies the whole process from quotation to sales order, such as satisfying
custom quotation, diversification of invoicing methods, flexibility, multi-country sales, etc.